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Hello all! Just a random gamer girl slut and crazy-ass Ishtar/Inanna/Astarte/Asherah/Astaroth/whatever worshiper (in the 21st century CE, no less!), nothing to see here.

Mostly lurks, but sometimes might contribute to certain funspace articles. Also kinda addicted to the rabbit hole that is Conservapedia...I think I might be a masochist...wait, I already knew that I was a sadomasochist...I think I might be an emotional masochist, I mean (yes I know very little has happened there for years...).

I'll also admit that I have some...odd opinions. You might or might not see some of them. Though I won't worry about that. I'm just a bit of an oddball, I suppose. Though, look, if you can prove me wrong, well...I'll accept that (actually there's some things I really want to be proven wrong about, but details!).

Also, just to publicly announce my distinct anti-Andyness (i.e. "I am an unashamed liberal/sex-goddess-worshiper/feminist/lesbian. Pretty much everything the Assfly hates rolled up into one sexy, slutty, Satanic package"), gonna go ahead and put this lovely template in here:

"EarthPhantomTS", you have free will, but you're not fooling anyone. I wasted time with your unsubstantial additions and I did reflect on how your 'experts' perceive American conservatives, and I've concluded they are clueless, so anyone with an open mind can see that you're a liberal troll. Like all atheists, you deny that that affirmative action causes rather than deters autism. Whatever the mainstream media might say, ignorance and lack of experience lead to surprise about many things. If you find the math in relativity fun, great, but relativity is not going to help anyone. It never has. Pick up a Bible in between some equations. You can push your liberal POV on Wikipedia instead.--Aschlafly