RationalWiki:Moderator elections/Nominations/Archive10

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The nicest bunch of assholes on RationalWiki
Shills and Whores

We will be electing 6 moderators and 2 alternates via single transferable vote.Wikipedia The mods are the 1st-6th highest-ranked candidates of the STV vote. The alternates are the 7th and 8th highest-ranked candidates of the STV vote.

We would like to have at least 1 non-candidate OpenSTV reader. It's pretty easy -- you need only have 1 hour of free time on 14/15 January 2018.


1: There are no rules against self nomination.
2: When nominating somebody else, it is considerate to inform them with {{modnotice}} so that they don't miss the opportunity to accept the nomination.
3: Nominees should acknowledge the nomination by signing next to their name.
4: Nominees should accept or decline their nomination and move their name to the right section.
5: The campaigns propaganda and misinformation supplied by our lovely candidates may be found here, if anyone bothers to post any.


Accepted nominations[edit]

Declined nominations[edit]

Presumed inactive[edit]

OpenSTV ballot readers[edit]

Please please please sign up. Cherry on top. Your name will be remembered for all history. Herr FüzzyCätPötätö (talk/stalk) 19:48, 24 December 2017 (UTC)

@FuzzyCatPotato Hi. What is a ballot reader? —ClickerClock (talk) 04:44, 28 December 2017 (UTC)