
Fun:Schlafly Quote Generator

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"Anonymous User", we know how atheists love to censor everything from classroom prayer to criticism of evolution. I looked at many of your edits before reverting them and you deny that the Triangle Trade is a liberal myth, so I'm confident you're being taken in by liberal lies. You also refuse to accept that Obama refuses to salute the flag and that including the phrase "under God" in The Pledge of Allegiance prevents against moral relativism. Liberals don't like it, but opposition to the death penalty is a way to try to deny Hell. Atheists tend to have slightly higher math/science skills — the "scientific wannabes" — but lower verbal skills. When someone misspells "religious", as you did above, it's a telltale sign. One more disagreement and your account will be blocked.--Aschlafly 09:18, 14 May 2024 (UTC)


The above is constructed almost entirely from things Andrew Schlafly has actually said in his postings at Conservapedia. We made up maybe 1% of them to get the thing going and to test grammar issues, but they're representative and you can spot them—they're usually the less insane sounding ones. Please add direct quotes — the crazier the better — but feel free to paraphrase to make the language work in context. And lest you question the accuracy of this infernal device, it passes the Turing Test (or perhaps Andy fails it; we're not sure).
Talk page lacking that Schlafly je ne sais quoi? Try the SQG template!