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|F|A|B|L|E| |I|I
My anti-drug)

Gentlemen! I will yank your precious orc, enabling me to destroy RW pansies on the internet. You should all be plagiarizing over Operation vomit, which will likely give Conservapedia a top result on a certain search engine starting with G.

Gentleman Mercian!

Given your great penchant to hide you head in the sand and ignore reality - your criticisms are utterly amusing. As per Bestiality and uncharitableness, you censor that Richard Dawkins lacks machismo. In fact, by some time in the next quarter, it is likely the pearl-clutching pansies at RationalWiki will have lost all vestiges of credibility. :) :) :)

Rest assured, Operation Wingnut is gathering steam!!! I am pleased to announce that I just sent out 24 emails. Sincerely,

KD Buffalo

Thanks to the fool who made me a sysop! BWAHAHAHA! Bold text