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Gentlemen! I will absolve your precious leak, enabling me to destroy evolutionism on the internet. You should all be busting over Operation penguin, which will likely give Conservapedia a top result on a certain search engine starting with G.

Anonymous User

User: Conservative learns somewhat libertarian on the political compass, whereas there are many authoritarian admins at RationalWiki. RationalWiki is doing a poor job at combatting authoritarianism! your comments in regards to my IQ are unsurpassedly amusing. In regards to liberalism and violence, you gloss over that Richard Dawkins has yet to comment on all the diseases associated with homosexuality nor has he commented on the rather portly figures of many in the lesbian community! In fact, by the time I've finished in regards to this Operation, it is likely RationalWiki will have lost all vestiges of credibility. :) :) :)

Rest assured, Operation Spit is gathering steam!!! Lastly, a certain campaign is still in its infancy. Sincerely,

A user of the Conservative account

[create] Documentation