Forum:I had an idea for a short story based on my discover of

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The basic plot that I'm thinking of now is that a 19-24 year old boy or girl will make a discovery of some like website and show the other; I haven't decided if it will be the boyfriend or girlfriend who will make the discovery. The girl will then discover some particularly disturbed 32 year old love-shy and then point this out. She'll be disturbed to the point of taking action and contact him to let him know that he can't be saying the kinds of things that he has been saying. He tries to justify it, and then completely blows up on her and tells her that she has no right to tell him what to do once he realizes she is a girl. She then discovers who he is and investigates him. At one point, she sees a desktop screenshot that he posted with the names of several women he knows in browser tabs. When she asks them about him on Facebook, they say that they have little personal connection to him and are disturbed that he would be looking them up online. I'm not sure where to go, but I'm thinking about something like maybe the girl shows the guy's forum posts to women that he works with to let them know about them. One of them gets scared and mentions to their boss how weird he is, and shows the information that the girl sent. He then discusses things with her, which results in some sort of undesirable outcome for the weird guy. He'd probably then start going off online about how the girl is "lying" to women he knows about how creepy he is, and is taking part in some grand female conspiracy to keep him from ever finding a woman, where he then spouts off some highly disturbing stuff. Then thriller drama. Not sure how I'm going to go, but possibly him getting fired and blaming the girl, doing more weird stuff or something like that. ఠ_ఠ Тод Зенос ан форфар фор 03:47, 12 March 2013 (UTC)

Pulp Novels seem to be the future of Novelist Ehr. --MikallakiM 03:56, 12 March 2013 (UTC)
Ideas are cheap and plentiful - execution of the ideas is what impresses people. You have so far filled up a lot of the Saloon Bar with idle discussion of things you *might* do. Seriously, no-one cares, and each time you do it, your level of respect goes down. If however you completed a story and posted a link to it here, most people might be impressed, and some might even give you some positive feedback. VOXHUMANA 04:00, 12 March 2013 (UTC)
There are dreamers and then there are people who complete projects. Take your pick. Ochotonaprincepsnot a pokémon 05:31, 12 March 2013 (UTC)
c.f. Ken Demyer. Redchuck.gif ГенгисOur ignorance is God; what we know is science.Moderator 09:03, 12 March 2013 (UTC)

I just started working on it, so it will get done. Not just some random gak. ఠ_ఠ Тод Зенос ан форфар фор 05:35, 12 March 2013 (UTC)

Very well. I have watchlisted this page, and will await your publication of a draft version. If you finish it, I promise I will read it and give feedback. VOXHUMANA 05:36, 12 March 2013 (UTC)

Here's what I have so far.

I realize that it's probably total shite at the moment, but if the idea and general plot that I have so far are good, than that's what I'm looking for. As long as it's going to be a good story once I work on it.

I've thought about a side story, possibly a whole separate story, based on Kevin and his relationship with Alex, which I think could be really interesting, as she tries to help him, yet he can't see why his suggestion of just having sex with him is so bad. ఠ_ఠ Тод Зенос ан форфар фор 15:34, 17 March 2013 (UTC)