Debate:The Web Of Subconscious / The Ether

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Information icon.svg This debate was created by basewood.


I have a kind of personal theory. I think that when humans communicate (as we are extremely complex beings and perceive things at such a rapid rate), there's this "Web" that is triggered. I call it a Web because when engaged in a social situation, certain triggers are pulled to give one certain reactions. For example, if you were talking to a friend, and he begins to scratch his head - or do something else extremely subtle. B.o.B (conspiracy rapper extraordinaire ) calls this "realm" the ether. It's described as a plane that we cannot see that holds all these subconscious feelings and perceptions, as well as more occult objects - such as telepathic or psychic elements. I'm curious to anyone's criticism of this loose theory I have. I personally believe, with not much information on the topic at all - as there aren't many sources I can find - that my Web exists, and contains reasons for evoking certain emotions or feelings that are unbenounced to you.