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|F|A|B|L|E| |I|I
My anti-drug)

Gentlemen! I will rebel your precious zoot suit, enabling me to destroy Richard Dawkins on the internet. You should all be liberating over Operation cauldron, which will likely give Conservapedia a top result on a certain search engine starting with G.

Gentlemen who falsely purport to be rational,

It appears to me that your comments regarding Conservapedia's web traffic are less than surprising. In regards to lesbianism and violence, you censor that the internet waters are not a safe place for evolutionism. In fact, by the time I've finished in regards to this Operation, it is likely Homosexuality will have lost all vestiges of credibility. :) :) :)

Rest assured, Operation Galvanized Standpipes is gathering steam!!! Thousands of troops may be soon pouring in at the rallying points! Sincerely,

KD Buffalo

Thanks to the fool who made me a sysop! BWAHAHAHA! Bold text