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A lunatic Chaplin imitator
and his greatest fans

Icon nazi.svg
First as tragedy
Then as farce
Frogs, clowns, and swastikas
Icon altright.svg
Rebuilding the Reich, one meme at a time
Buzzwords and dogwhistles
We are a community of racial realists and idealists. Black, Hispanic, Asian and Jewish Nationalists openly support their racial interests, with American taxpayers even required to support the Jewish ethnostate of Israel. We are White Nationalists who support true diversity and a homeland for all peoples, including ours. We are the voice of the new, embattled White minority!
—Actual quote on the Stormfront main page[1]

Stormfront is a white supremacist and neo-Nazi internet forum, and one of the earliest to exist. It is mostly Americentric, although there is some bleed-over with extremist groups in Europe.

Stormfront is, in its own words, "a racialist discussion board for pro-white activists and anyone else interested in white survival". Activities included circle-jerking over how the white race is superior, historical revisionism, Holocaust denial, vehemently opposing race mixing, discussing whether Christianity or Nordic neopaganism is best for the white race, bitching and complaining about "anti-white" (read: anti-racist and anti-Nazi) movies, TV shows, video games, and novels, reading Mein Kampf, talking about modern-day topics unrelated to their agenda such as strip clubs, and listening to white power rock music. But more than anything, they loved to endlessly debate who is "white" and who isn't, which very quickly escalated into flame wars and threats of banning from the administrators. It was also the subject of the documentary Extremists on the Internet.[2]

Stormfront was thankfully seized by its host on August 26, 2017,[3] but is unfortunately back online.[4] It is, however, struggling with finances and, as of April 6, 2018, closed and archived its main server while restricting access to those that contribute at least five dollars a month.[5]


Stormfront Main page

They used Fraktur fonts (which were actually banned in 1941 by the Nazis themselves)[6] to evoke a Germanic image. Their emblem was a Celtic cross, which is often used as a symbol by white supremacists. In another supreme fit of irony, while they used the Fraktur font, they also banned display or use of the swastika. You figure it out.

Their Celtic cross logo with the text "White Pride World Wide" was, for a long time, rendered with the stone age-style font Lithos,[7] likely to go along with the theme of their ideology.


The website has a News section where one can post fake news about various topics.


Don't forget Jews also own Stormfront and Hitler!

A forum where users can post propaganda promoting COVID-19 denialism and anti-vaccination.

A user by the name of Elizabeth posted that YouTube had deleted a video about "Doctors" discussing dangers of getting the COVID-19 vaccine that their mother downloaded. She links an article by Coronanews, a fake news site that says that the COVID-19 vaccine is used for genocide.[8] A user by the name of WhiteRights posted a video claiming that the inventor of mRNA Vaccine Tech said that Fauci is responsible for 500,000 COVID Deaths by blocking Ivermectin/HCQ. He claims that COVID-19 was never a threat to young people and the deaths could have been prevented by taking HCQ but the Democrats, deep state and China wanted a pandemic to destroy the U.S. economy and let the 2020 election be stolen.[9] Vardalon7 posted that RFK Jr. thinks COVID-19 is designed to spare Jews; all the comments agreed with that user.[10] ColdStar posted that COVID-19 is a means of control and (((They))) are using boosters to cause health problems. He links to a video by Martin Armstrong saying that the pandemic is to create the New World Order.[11] Phoenix1933 posted that an EU official said that the vaccine was a big lie and doesn't work and that libtards are morons for forcing them to take poison, citing Infowars.[12] WhiteUser1 posted that Covid-19 tests are fake and that it will make you subject to contact tracing, loss of freedom, government surveillance, and possibly eventual forced vaccination and that the test is dangerous and vaccinates you.[13] Elizabeth posted that Big Pharma, Gates, Fauci and UK officials are being accused of crimes against humanity in a complaint to the International Criminal Court, citing the crank site LifeSiteNews.[14] Alpha5150 claims that athletes are dying because of the vaccine. He links to the article on David Icke's website saying people are dying from the vaccine in the sports world.[15]

Newslinks & Articles[edit]

This is a forum where one could post news articles. The comments are usually filled with bigotry.

Coconutcake posted that Neil deGrasse Tyson said that biology is insufficient at explaining gender ideology and that a teen detransition activist Chloe Cole riped his claims. The article is from the Daily Mail. A comment by Huginn ok Muninn claims that Neil deGrasse Tyson isn't a good scientist, and Huginn ok Muninn uses religion to justify his bigotry.[16] Artoria posted that Japan accepted Ukrainian refuges. The responses are mostly negative saying that there will be mixed-race children and that Japan will regret doing this.[17] Invective44X2 posted that the U.S. miliary is harvesting organs of Ukrainians and that's why Far-right mercenaries are fighting for Ukraine. Many comments are blaming it on Jews.[18] The user SPOON! claims that Jews are funding drag queens. A comment by whiterights claims that the Jews are funding the homosexual, transgender and pedophile movements. He cites crank sites and quotes Hitler.[19] D33pac posted that a Quran was burnt and thrown out in Germany. Many comments are supporting this by calling Muslims invaders.[20] NationalCrusader14 posted Alternative für Deutschland has now reached 23% on the INSA Poll. Many comments are supporting them.[21] Crosstie walker posted that 35% percent of Sweden's population are now Immigrants. One comment by Starshine rose claims that immigrants are behind Sweden's crime.[22] AVM posted that George Soros supports Ukraine and of course the the comments are mad at him. One claimed that Soros funds biolabs to kill white people and that's why Putin invaded Ukraine.[23]. Revision posted about a Holocaust survivor on Tiktok educating people. Natman claims that Holocaust survivors aren't real and are used to spread anti-white hate.[24] CoconutCake posted that 40% of white people find BLM dangerous in a poll. Chemist commented that BLM is a scam and will be a passing fad in American history.[25]

Politics & Continuing Crises[edit]

Nicole Shanahan, the running mate of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. The Stormfronters are mad at her and RFK Jr. because she married a Jew.[26]

A forum where one can discuss American politics. As you can expect, this forum is filled with wingnutery.

Terence1 posted that global elites are pushing the woke agenda and that we should oppose this agenda by the Jews and protect our children.[27] Franco posted that there is no difference between how China, the Soviet Union, and America treat their citizens. He cites an article by The Gateway Pundit saying that someone was rejected from getting cancer treatment for making transphobic comments.[28][29] Spoon! posted that BlackRock and Vanguard run the world. He links to an article on The Common Sense Show which despite its name promotes bullshit conspiracy nonsense.[30] Franco posted that universities are dangerous and brainwash young white people make them take ridiculous courses;[31] the first paragraph is copy-pasted from The Occidental Observer. Bostick posted that the Jews will use the COVID-19 vaccine to insert 5G in a person's body and microwave them then blame it on COVID-19,[32] citing videos on Bitchute. Reynoldsg copy-pasted an article about police and BLM from The Daily Stormer saying that Antifa and the police are teaming up. He then links to the article on the dark web.[33] TSFH14 posted that there is a gang rape crisis in UK because of South Asian Muslims, citing Quillette.[34] Coldstar posted that Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip were trying to depopulate the world to solve overpopulation by killing 2 billion people.[35] Phoenix1933 posted that Jews will use AI to eradicate white people because some Jews work in AI.[36] SPOON! posted that America's cities' future is doomed, citing The American Dream.[37] The article says that cities will be ruined due to protesters and leftists.[38]

STOP WHITE GENOCIDE messages to White House[edit]

Billboard which claims that Diversity is a codeword for White genocide. This Billboard was featured in a Stormfront post about an Anti-White genocide petition.[39]

A subfourm of Politics & Continuing Crises where users can discuss how the white race is supposedly going extinct.

Puddintane posted that the migrant crises is only the beginning and that They will flood white countries with third world immigrants. He then says that Jean Raspail predicted the problem will get worse, quoting a section from the book.[40] A user ironically named Wisdomseeker posted that there was a forgotten white genocide, that Uyghurs were Christians that were invaded by Muslims, that Uyghurs are white, and that Islam and China are friends.[41] White Genocide posted that the White Genocide Project, whose mission is raise awareness for white genocide, only got 243 signatures.[42] Puddintame posted that the charities that are promoting diversity are promoting white genocide.[43] Ericroper posted that nonwhites want affirmative action so that they take over California.[44]

"Mein Führer! I CAN SHITPOST!"[edit]

For years, Stormfront had a "manual" for how internet "insurgents" should behave. (They called them Bugs. The actual program was known as Swarmfront.) A lot of it emanated from Stormfront's raiding board Swarmfront, which was dedicated to "red pilling" Reddit and 4chan.[45][46] "Raiding" or "forum sliding" is a form of faux grass roots activism where people try to make it appear like an opinion is really popular.

The goal of the online campaign was to make gullible men feel like all of their problems in life are caused by minorities. When they found an example of anti-white sentiment, they blew it out of proportion. When they couldn't find one, they fabricated it themselves. They'd barrage you with worthless links and misleading statistics and force you to refute it line-by-line.[47] Essentially, it's a psychosocial tactic where you perseverate on every real and perceived slight against you, with the ultimate aim of giving yourself permission to do something horrible. If you've ever read Mein Kampf, the entire book is essentially Hitler's collected wounds which he would then use to justify slaughtering Europeans. Islamic terrorists and white supremacists also use these recruitment strategies. They just disagree on which groups should be eliminated (even then not as much as you'd think).

The board itself[edit]

Swarmfront BUGS - "Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-white!" is a subfourm of Politics & Continuing Crises usually dedicated to trolling people by saying that anti-racist is a codeword for anti-white.

Genseric posted that Swarmfront BUGS (Bob's Underground Graduate Seminar) is a way to get back at anti-white racists.[48] The same user advised Swarmfront users to go to where users can make Swarmfront copypastas.[49] White dude posted that someone was complaining about their mantra on Yahoo! News and that it made their day.[50] White genocide decides to comment on Bob's Daily Articles by praising it. It is a thread on Stormfront where users can post BUGSters from in chronological order.[51][52] Glory14 gives ideas for Swarmfront members. He tells them to get a lot of Reddit accounts to post the mantra in many subreddits. He tells them to follow many celebrities and tweet them the mantra. He tells them make white genocide playlists on YouTube.[53] JustWokeup posted that he convinced two women to believe in the mantra. He convinced the first one to Google white genocide and she agreed that it exists. He also did the same to the second woman; she said that anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.[54] AngryGoy wanted Swarmfront users to copy and paste the following:

1 Mass non-White immigration to White countries and only White countries.

2 Forced racial integration in all traditionally White countries and White areas.

3 Wide spread anti-White Propaganda via the schools, churches, media, advertising and entertainment industry.

4 Wide spread Miscegenation between Whites and non-Whites.

5 Wide spread trans-racial adoption.

6 Low White birth rates which are exacerbated by economic conditions and Abortion on demand.[55]

B.U.G.S Swarm[edit]

Beedrill really went on the deep end.It's now trying to copy Pikachu

B.U.G.S is the acronym of Bob's UnderGround Seminar.BUGS swarm is the blog section of a website similar to Stormfront. [56]

A user ironically named White&Normal posted that Anti-Whites are now more likely to respond to their bullshit Gish Gallops.[57] Wuntz Moore posted that BUGSters got the phrases "Anti-White" and "White genocide" into mainstream.He tells members to spread the mantra.[58] Peter Cottontail links to a bunch of Pro-White Twitter accounts notable ones include:Mark Collett,Vox Day and Baked Alaska.Xenonian comments that Twitter is using the thread to ban people.[59] White&Normal lists the timeline of White genocide which supposedly started with Kalergi Plan and allowing any non-white immigration,Ice Knight claims white genocide has been attempted since Ancient Egypt.[60] Benjamin Newells posted that because of Pepe the Frog's relation with the Alt-right,Pepe should be combined with the white genocide mantra lines.[61]

Henry Davenport thanks Trump for being Anti-White genocide.The members congratulate trump for this stance and they use #ThankYouDonaldTrump in their tweets.[62].Mimmy Jarr was happy when BUGS appeared on a blog,many comments are mocking the blog for being against them.[63] -Gar5- posted that he developed a new version of BUGS Buddy,a spambot which used to respond to Anti-BUGS.[64] Secret Squirrel claims google was censoring the now deleted video "How whites took over America".Many people in the thread are mad that they are getting censored for their hate speech.[65]


These are a collection of forums where users can discuss about many things, including movies, history, music, and more.

Ideology and Philosophy[edit]

This is the forum where users discuss the ideology and philosophy of Nazism, the Ku Klux Klan, and other white supremacist ideologies.

Revison posted that It's Okay to Be White, which links to a video by POSEIDON who is an Alt-right neo-Nazi who documents the "Collapse of western civilization".[66][67] Dylan posted that forced multiculturalism began with the 1964 Civil Rights Act, public schools are communism, and all public schools encourage teachers to have sex with students.[68] Whiteness192 posted that the Talmud is Satanic and that Jews will burn in hell and want to kill gentiles.[69] EmperorAryan explains that he is a White Nationalist because of Jew Media. He then says that white people are superior to other races, that white people are a different species, and that they deserve to have slaves. He finally ends by saying Christianity is a mind control program by the Jews to prevent the evolution of the White race into Aryans.[70] Kbfreakc posted that Jews want America down so that America isn't first. S Sinistrari posted that Jews don't want America down, they want western Christiandom down. IOTBW encourages people to research original America firsters.[71] Polcsec10 posted that interracial couples are disgusting because apparently "race traitors", when dating black people, will not have children with white DNA.[72] WracialLoyalist posted that the liberal education system is immoral. He explains that it is a Jewish occupation system that aims to kill over 700,000,000 people of European descent. He says that 9/11 is a false flag attack, that homosexuality leads to pedophilia, and that Jews legalized abortion to kill 60,000,000 babies. He ends by saying liberalism killed more than Nazism and communism.[73]

History & Revisionism[edit]

It is a forum where users post pseudohistory, usually Holocaust denial.

Coldfire posted that there was a Holocaust where Jewish Marxists killed 60 million Russian Aryans and that the Holocaust is just Jews projecting. He says that Jews hate the Aryan race, citing a Jew Watch article on communism talking about how they supposedly killed 100 million Christians.[74] He then cites videos on YouTube that are now deleted.[75] Russell James posted that over the last 40 years a number of "real historians" have come out against the narrative of the Holocaust and that the real revisionists are cultural Marxists. He links to a blog post on Stormfront saying that there are 10 reasons the Holocaust isn't real. Here are the "reasons":

1:The World Almanac reported that the world's Jewish population was slightly larger just after the war than it was just before the war

2:No Bodies: Nobody ever found anywhere near six million bodies

3:No Gas Chambers: Nobody ever found a single gas chamber capable of killing humans, never-mind six million of them

4: No Crematoria: Nobody ever found crematoria capable of incinerating six million bodies

5:No Written Orders were ever discovered ordering the deaths of Jews

6:No Mention of a "Holocaust" in historical works like Churchill's six-volume history of the war, The Second World War

7:Camp Workers and Residents living near the camps can not recall anyone going missing

8:Red Cross Representatives Were Stationed in the Camps and none ever reported a "holocaust"

9:Jewish Elites Have Repeatedly Cried "Six Million": After nearly every major European conflict of the 19th and 20th centuries, Jews cried "holocaust"

10: Six Million is the Number of Jews That Were Transported to the Camps, yet the camps were full at the end of the war[76][77]

IspaniolCapirot posted that the Roman Empire is anti-white. He says that Rome saw its nonwhite population become the majority because of Julius Caesar and that the least white and uncivilized people made up 10% of the population. Jutunn commented that the Roman Empire succumbed to multicultralism, Ole massa commented that large empires fall because of immigrants, and WracialLoyalist commented that Christianity allowed them to succumb to multiculturalism.[78] Revision posted that Britain intended to join WWII before Germany invaded Poland and that the UK invaded Germany because the Jews forced them.[79] Joshua98 posted that Jews had a role in the French Revolution, linking to the Metapedia page on the French Revolution.[80] Phoenix1933 posted that Jews caused France's economy to be bad and Jews printed media to cause the revolution.[81] WracialLoyalist posted that the Black Death killed half of the white population and asks if Jews were responsible. Joshua98 claims that Jews poisoned wells to spread the plague. Reynoldsg commented that Jews did it with an image of jews apparently controlling the media. Thankfully, most people in the comments didn't believe in blood libel.[82]

9/11 truth[edit]

A truther forum on Stormfront where one can find conspiracy theories about 9/11. Mostly, they blame Jews. Oftentimes the forum doesn't even talk about 9/11 at all, instead discussing other conspiracy theories like UFOs.

NicholasXLIX posted that Jews did 9/11 and that Israelis parked on New York. The post is a copy and paste from Mintpress News, which posts conspiracy theories.[83] Anyhoo posted that George W. Bush was involved in 9/11 because he was controlled by Zionists and so is Trump and that Bush covered up 9/11 to appease the Zionist blackmailers.[84]. WhiteWakeUpCall posted that 9/11 truthers are useless unless they name the Jew. Vorsicht posted that the 9/11 truther movement was started by them, of course. Tom Joad posted that Jews did 9/11 and links to a green ink website.[85][86] Revision posted that ufologists are freaking out that NASA removed UFO images from the photo archive so that they can cover up extraterrestrials.[87] Spoon asks if 9/11 was an inside job and says that Chinese people and Muslims were celebrating 9/11. He says the Nation of Islam was probably responsible.[88][note 1] Jman2129 posted that humans will be implanted with microchips. Skyfirezz posted that he will not take the microchip because of ZOG and the NWO.[89] REL posted that the government doesn't want you to know about the real inconvient truth, linking to a deleted post on ZetaTalk. WelshWarrior commented global warming is caused by Earth cycles and not human interference.[90] Rickyrichard posted that the swine flu happened because FEMA is mobilizing, citing Rense, a conspiracy theorist site.[91]

Science and Technology[edit]

Sometimes the posts are decent for example their stance on Intelligent design [92] but often times it's just Eugenics and Racialism

A user appropriately named Mr.Barbarian asked if Gays have higher estrogen than straight men, thankfully most users didn't believe this nonsense.[93] S Sinistrari posted a video by "the funny Republican" in which Climate change experts are stumped by a single question.S Sinistrari claims they don't know science. [94] Russell James posted that Homosexuality is wrong because it is supposedly caused by Child Sexual Abuse,lack of bonding with the father and the Gay agenda.Il marescialo commented that male homosexuals are completely useless to society he finds lesbains better than gays because they can have biological children.[95]

Nick Smith claims that Black people have 19% nonhuman DNA that they are bred from Smaller brained H.Erectus,one comment by NY nationalist claims Black people are a mix of Homo Rudolfensis and the Bonobo.[96] Nick links to an Unz review article, the article claims America is heading towards a racial war because of low iq and criminality of black people apparently.[97] Revision claims Rome fell because of decreasing IQ that the same process is happening today linking to a VDARE article,Skogkille comments that quality of art declined in dark ages because of low IQ .[98] IspaniolCapirot claims Out Of Africa is an Afrocentrist theory he then uses a bunch of Pseudohistory to "debunk" it,Robinsville who has the Confederate flag commented that Out Of Africa is a quack theory he then claims the negro species is a failed one that negros are naturally stupid.[99] Polemics claims vaccines cause autism that it never existed before vaccines containing Alluminum,he claims the number of vaccines Given to children is too high that Big pharma works with the media.[100] Reynoldsg claims that oil is not a fossel fuel he claims that oil is made from natural forces in the earth's mantle,he finally claims the abiotic oil theory is scientifically sound.[101]

Stormfront International[edit]

These are a collection of forums where users outside of America can discuss their ideology.

Stormfront Britan[edit]

The most popular forum in the section

GordonSMITH posted that the world civilization began in Ireland linking to a post he made in which he links to various pseudohistorical posts and videos [102] [103]. MateMatnik posted that the cabal is going to use Anti-British agenda to Further Trans rights, that the British government will prevent the Scottish from passing a law permitting children to have sex changes without parental consent and that the world is Anti-British/Anti-English [104]. Blewit posted that Boris Johnson vows To have amnesty for undocumented immigrants the comments are to no one's surprise mad about this, Darklogos commented that Johnson is a fake tory, he also comented he is a jew as well [105]. MateMatnik asks why Middle class English people are so anti-British, he claims that they say that British history is racist and that majority of Middle class people are remainders [106]. CannockAnglo posted that we should ban Burkas, that the burqa encourages terrorism that leftists and Muzzrats ignore this [107]. Luckyperson explains that Britain should be proud of Colonizing India because they built railways and reduced female infanticide citing Daily Express [108]. Patriot93 claims that Top feminist Julie Bindel said that men need to put in concentration camps and to end heterosexuality citing Paul Joesph Watson [109]

UK newslinks[edit]

This is where Stormfronters post newslinks but only for United Kingdom.

Dudarenko posted that UK is the world's biggest laughing stock because 20 migrants canceled their trip to barrage, citing the Daily Mail.[110] Whitehouse90310 posted that 1000 migrants came to UK channel and got failed to deport; GordonSMiTH then commented that they need to be deported to Rwanda.[111] The same user posted that the tory government is tip-toeing out of new zero (he calls it Khmer Rouge) and that the prime minister wanted to shift to electronic cars by 2030.[112] Revision posted that British advertising is being africanised citing a video from racist Joe Marsh a.[113]

Politics and Activism[edit]

The Stormfronters were mad that National Action was classified as a terrorist group [114] and considering the website's track record this isn't surprising.

Parachutiste asks if Reform UK is controlled opposition; Penda III answers yes because it was made to combat BNP; that the party is civic nationalist and therefore bad.[115] Matematik thinks that Brexit is a plan by the global elites to destroy the United Kingdom because the British establishment supports it and that the Scottish referendum of 2014 was also an attempt to destroy Britain.[116] Anglezarkle got mad that UKIP elected a Jew Shneur OdzeWikipedia for Manchester Metro and calls the party "Jewkip" the comments think of UKIP as not nationalist.[117] The Indian posted that Putin vows to protect Christians; the comments are praising Putin for this and that he will stop Muslim invasion of Europe.[118]

Stormfront Russia[edit]

Despite the original Nazis hating slavs, which includes Russians, the Stormfront Russia forum is the largest after Stormfront Britain. Strangely this forum is rather split about Putin with some seeing him as a though white guy but many others see him as an Anti-white who wants to do genocide of Russians.

GlascowWASP asks Russians if they would tolerate white immigrants coming to Russia. Most people responded with yes.[119] Ardagast posted that Novorossiya is a ZOG project because one of the people who works on the project is a jew, and that Russian nationalists must destroy it.[120] Revision posted that Congressman Jamie Raskin critized Russia. Revision points out how Raskin is Jewish. ZvetovidZablace claims that Russia is full of strong white men that haven't been Jewfied that the US army is full of Jews, Black people, religious zealots and queers.[121] Groton claims that Russian Jews apparently get Holocaust payments from the German government the source for this is the antisemitic christian website Christians For Truth,Reynard the fox commented that Israel should pay Russia reparations for their Judeo-Bolshevism killing 30 million.[122]

Reynoldsg is mad that Putin has welcomed some Jewish billionaires he then cites Jew World Order website,we march in line conmented that Putin is the enemy of Russia because he allowed non-white immigration.[123] Andreus was mad that Stormfront was banned in Russia at the time. Poison commented that Putin's Russian Federation is the most Anti-white state that Putin hates Russian nationalists.[124] Poison got mad that Russia is trying to fight against racism, xenophobia in UN Human Rights Council; he then commented that central Asians are replacing white Russians.[125]

General Down Under Discussion[edit]

This is a subforum of Stormfront Downunder where users from discuss various topics concerning Australia and New Zealand. You might might be wondering why haven't we talked about the main forum "Stormfront Downunder"? Well that's because the main forum only has four posts so we will only talk about its subforums.[126]

Ly shares his opinion on Aboriginal Australians he thinks of them being the most inferior race he thinks they have an IQ of sixty two that they are apparently inferior to africans. A user by the name Autismus comments that there is a racial hierarchy that goes from superior to inferior

• Whites;

• East Asians;

• Semites;

• Amerindians;

• Polynesians;

• Blacks;

• Aboriginals.[127]

John830 claims that jews run Australia this claim is from a white supremacist website Whitelaw Towers; WRacialLoyalist comments that Australians and rest of the world are in Jewish occupation for hundred years.[128] wakeupriseup is upset that there are jews in Australia that he sees them everywhere wulfrick commented that British aristocracy is controlled by jews.[129] Skogsbjorn was mad at multiculturalism in Sydney he was angry that there are interracial couples there, he also claims Sydney has sold itself to asian immigrants.[130]

Stormfront Canada[edit]

This is the forum for Stormfront where they discuss issues relating to Canada

Coldstar believes that Trudeau Regime is actively making Canada a third world regime; Wracialloyalist claims this process has been happening since Stephen J. HarperWikipedia.[131] Wanjessi posted that he come across an article by that claims that the COVID-19 vaccine weakens the immune system and causes cancer; the article then claims World Council for Health an Antivax organization has "discovered" that the vaccine contaminates DNA.[132][133] Cunningham claims that the Canadian media is biased towards Muslims that the Canadian media hides terrorist attacks by Muslims and appeals to Islam.[134] Erichard posted a video from YouTuber Linday Shepherd in which she critizes Indegenous Land acknowledgments.[135] RIP Canada 1867 to 1965 was subconsciously angry that a Black guy kissed a white woman he says that because of that we live in a Politically correct society,Defend our Homeland commented that being kissed by a black person is like being kissed by a baboon.[136]

Canadian general discussion[edit]

Basedleaf posted that there is a rise in race-mixing because he saw some mixed couple,Jotunn commented that they are using propaganda to encourage race-mixing which to him is a cult.[137] D33pac hates Sikh Indians because they are Hindus that ruin Canada the same user comments that the Sikhs are like Afghans.[138] Reyoldsg claims Canada is becoming a third world nation he starts off by Quoting George Lincoln Rockwell he then states that he is jealous of Chinese immigrants' success,Elcyrus commented that the God's chosen people are Aryan European Christ-bearing people.[139] Where's Whitey slanders a woman who has two half-black kids by calling her a cigarette smoking race mixing whore,he commented that he despises mixed race people as much as non-Whites.[140]

Stormfront Baltic / Scandinavia[edit]

This is a forum where users discuss issues related to Scandinavia and the Baltic.

Reynoldsg posted that the Swedish Church accepts LGBTQ now,the comments as expected are Anti-LGBTQ and sometimes Anti-Christian.[141] revision is mad that Finland is becoming less Christian that it is trying to illegalize Christianity.A comment by "Defend our homeland" states that White western culture is on the decline because of this.[142] Aryan ideal3 posted that the European Union policy of taking immigrants is bad.A comment by the user named Mytho claims Muslim immigrants are Rapists who rape little girls and get away with it.[143] ZeroZeroAlfa is hates the Swedish Democrats because it's not radical enough for him that he finds its policy of integrating immigrants bad and that because of a Jew the party is Pro-Israel.[144] Francuskinja cites an article from The Daily Stormer which claims that 23% of Swedish women will be raped by non-white immigrants that Sweden has the second highest rape per capita in the world,as expected the comments are Islamophobic.[145]



Vincent Reynouard

Vincent ReynouardWikipedia known on Stormfront as Revision is a French Holocaust denier and a former math teacher who was convicted of disturbuting Holocaust denial material.[146] It is not suprising to see him spew Holocaust denial.He is Stormfront's "News" guy.

He frequently links to a Holocaust Deprogramming course in which it is claimed that Auschwitz was a fake camp,claims are made that the gas chambers were fake and how Anne Frank's diaries are fake, in the end Neo-nazis are cited as evidence,Ironically the site he cites is Islamist.[147] He thinks “The Camp Of The Saints” Novel predicted the state of Europe today,he thinks African migrants in Germany is bad he gets all of this information from Renegade Tribune which is Fake news site.[148] He thinks interracial relationships are wrong citing the Alt-right Youtuber POSIDON.[149] It seems that he is a really big fan of POSIDON considering he linked to a video by POSIDON saying that AI predicted Britain's Future.[150] He linked to a video by Memology101 which claims migrants are illegally crossing the U.S. border that the migration is out of control.[151] He believes that even Transport has gone woke because a train had a rainbow flag painted on it, he links to Clown World YT.[152] He was mad that Vatican minted coins for the apparently Jewish Pfizer,he links to website for Swiss Front National party which is as fascist as British National Front.[153]


SPOON!'s avatar

He is one of Stormfront's most active users he is a Christian considering he has a Bible quote in his profile but what he may not want to know is that Hitler hated Christianity.[154]

When Jewish children were attacked "SPOON!" celebrated it and said "No, more of this is needed!".[155] He posted that the U.S military has confirmed the COVID-19 vaccine causes MyocarditisWikipedia citing The Epoch Times,he in the comments cites other Fake News sources for evidence including GreatGameIndia and American Greatness.[156] SPOON! posted this paragraph which he copy-pasted from a blog by Charles Hugh Smith a known Conspiracy theorist

The food pyramid was constructed for the benefit of the Medical Industrial Complex , but it's upside down. Seed oils, refined sugar, processed grains, insane vaccine schedule , mixed with a steady stream of Marxism indoctrination along with debt slavery and you’ve got the recipe for collapsing an entire nation.[157]

He thinks Abortion is satanic he uses the argument that Margaret Sanger was racist and a eugenics promoter to discredit Planned Parenthood,he at the end cites a quote by Ron Paul which basically claims that Abortion is tyrany.[158] He thinks that Holocaust is a lie and the most destructive one that was used to make Israel that the concentration camps were actually labour camps that zionazis controlled Germany he got all of this bullshit from TheStateOftheNation.[159] SPOON! claims that there are fifteen examples of Globalist doublespeek he cites Henry Makow.[160] The list goes as follows

  1. White nationalist and white supremacist
  2. Terrorist
  3. Hate and hate speech
  4. Antisemitism
  5. Homophobia
  6. Sexism
  7. Racism
  8. Diversity
  9. Cisgender
  10. Human rights [note 2]
  11. Patriot Act
  12. Conspiracy
  13. Free speech
  14. Tolerance
  15. Equality [161]


His Profile picture Says which is an actual website (most likely made by him) for people like him.[162]

As his name suggests he is fighting for White rights

WhiteRights also usually links to a news section of the blog it is just Dollar Store The Daily Stormer.[163] He is also an 2020 Election denier since links to a video of 2000 Mules on Bitchute.[164] When a Black man murdered a white woman he said she wouldn't have been killed if she had White Nationalists as friends.[165] He thinks Biden is like a dictator he cites The Gateway Pundit the article is just tweets by Glenn Beck calling certain policies of Biden as Authoritarian.[166] He also believes David Horitz claims of Trump winning in a landslide is true and believes Horitz claims of Democrats being Anti-white he calls Horitz (((Right-wing author))).[167] WhiteRights thinks Charles Murray's The Bell Curve is right about Black people that the IQ difference between blacks and white is further than Murray thought.[168]


Coldstar is a stormfront member who describes his location as "In the Socialist Republic of Canuckistan wherein the betrayal of our white race is in full swing."

He's most known for posting an image of Jews harvesting blood,this post has gotten over two million views of the last eight years.[169] He thinks Jordan Peterson is a Jew because Peterson apparently hates germens and is friends with jews he backs this up by the Anti-zionist (read:Antisemitic) website History reviewed.[170] He is also a Global warming denialist he thinks environmentalism is enforced by globalist Marxists at the UN as part of a vast plot to foist Marxist world government.[171] He hates Angela Merkel for being Jewish appearently,he believes she got an award by a Jewish Freemasonic Lodge and has dual citizenship,he thinks Germany has been run by a shadow government post-WW2.[172] Coldstar believes that Terrible things are going to happen when Joe Biden becomes president he got this information from an article made by Mike Adams.[173] These are all the horrible things that Mike believes will happen in Biden's presidential run.

  1. Medical tyranny
  2. Pack the court
  3. Criminalizing “climate deniers
  4. Medical dictatorship (isn't this the same point as the first one)
  5. Defunding the police
  6. Reversing Trump-era court nominees
  7. Nationwide bans on all AR-15s and similar semiautomatic firearms
  8. Green New Collapse
  9. Rolling blackouts as the power grid fails
  10. Agricultural collapse leads to mass famine
  11. Ending the Senate filibuster
  12. Investigations into deep state traitors are scuttled
  13. Investigations into deep state traitors are scuttled
  14. The end of free speech for America
  15. Surrendering to communist China
  16. Banning “ghost guns” nationwide
  17. Reparations for Blacks
  18. Outlawing all private health care insurance
  19. Federal bailout of Democrat cities and states
  20. Rise of the thought police
  21. Forced low-income housing in suburbs
  22. Door-to-door “purges” of Christians and conservatives
  23. LGBT indoctrination of children and legalized pedophilia nationwide
  24. The national voting age will be lowered to 14
  25. The outlawing of Christianity and the government burning down of all Christian churches nationwide.[174][edit]

Before it was shut down the website looked like this.[175]

The Stormfronters had created a website about Martin Luther King which spread falsehoods about him[176]

The website had a quiz about MLK in which they spread misinformation about him,they claim if the person who answers the quiz only get one to three questions "right" the person is dangerous and Politically correct.[177] The website claims that black rappers tell black people to rape and kill white people that this music is distrubuted by (((Them))),they cite lyrics from rather obscure rap music artists.[178] On the main page they link to a a video with the title "The Beast As Saint: The Truth About Martin Luther King Jr. (With CC)" which supposedly tells the truth about Martin Luther King Jr, the video has been taken down due to uploader of the video "EastWildRain" being terminated for Hate speech.[179] The website tells students to pass white supremacist flyers around the school [180], the first flyer spreads misinformation about MLK, the second flyer has a George Orwell quote which is ironic considering Orwell was against nazis,the third is a PDF form of "The Beast As Saint: The Truth About Martin Luther King Jr. (With CC)".The website recommends the following books for learning about MLK Jr. The first one is actually legitimate talking about MLK Jr's plagerism the second however is by David Duke which talks about how he became the way he is today and how racial equality is bad.[181]

The website cites a chapter from David Duke's book concerning Jews and their involvement with the civil rights movement.Duke claims American jews are dual citizens,Duke then goes on to claim that Jewish Marxists funded the civil rights movement,Feminism,Anti-racism and much more to destroy whiteness and Family values. [182]

Mirror, mirror on the wall…[edit]

As one might expect, there's an unusual amount of anxiety within the membership about whether they are "100% white" or not. A 2017 sociology study of Stormfront members found that when members have themselves genetically tested and find that they are not of 100% European ancestry, they are advised to ignore the test and instead either rely on less-reliable genealogy or the totally unreliable "mirror test" ("When you look in the mirror, do you see a jew? If not, you're good.").[183][184]


A two-year study by the Intelligence Report shows that registered Stormfront users have been disproportionately responsible for some of the most lethal hate crimes and mass killings since the site was put up in 1995. In the past five years alone, Stormfront members have murdered close to 100 people.
—Report by Southern Poverty Law Center[185]

A report by the SPLC stated that almost 100 hate crime murders can be linked to the site, and 10 murderers had links to it.[186] Even discounting the killing spree by Anders Behring Breivik that claimed 77 lives, that's still close to two dozen people killed by members of a site with fewer than 1,800 registered members. Frazier Glenn Cross, a man suspected of a mass shooting at a Jewish center, was barred from Stormfront after a disagreement with the site's owner.[187]

2011 Norway attacks[edit]

Someone who has no remorse for his actions
See the main article on this topic: Anders Behring Breivik

On June 22,2011 eighty-five people were killed in a youth camp in Utoeya after a bombing in the capital Oslo killed seven,this was done by Anders Behring Breivik known on Stormfront as year2183 posing as a Policeman; he used a handgun,an automatic weapon and a shotgun to kill people. The attack was so horrifying that Barack Obama and Queen Elizabeth II condemned it.[188] It was found that Breivik was not insane and was sentenced twenty-one years in jail, a team of Court-appointed psychiatrists considered him to be suffering with paranoid schizophrenia but the other team considered him sane. Breivik's attacks ignited a debate about the nature of tolerance and democracy in Norway.[189] Breivik believed that the attack was justified that if he had the chance he would do it to again prevent a wider civil war,he claims he acted in self-defense on behalf of his people, his city and his country.[190] More than a decade later he would sue Norway for putting him in prison isolation because it made him suicidal although he has a training room, kitchen, TV room and a bathroom.[191]

Los Angeles Jewish Community Center shooting[edit]

Picture of Buford O’Neal Furrow Jr. the man who comited the terrorist act

This was the earliest terrorist act comited by a Stormfront user. This was done by Buford O. Furrow Jr. who at that time was a well known Stormfront user

On August 12,1999 Furrow Jr. would attempt to murder five people at a Jewish community center's summer camp, he would later murder a Filipino postal worker for his race. He at the time was a member of Aryan Nations , he was found to linked with Christian Identity.[192] The Filipino postal worker who was known as Joseph Ileto was killed by Furrow Jr. using 9mm semiautomatic pistol. Furrow Jr. killed him because he believed the postal worker was a good 'target of opportunity' to kill because he was 'non-white and worked for the federal government.[193]

Furrow Jr. also nearly killed a five-year old Jewish boy named Benjamin Kadish, A paramedic described his condition as very critical with him losing fifty percent of his blood.[194] Thankfully, Furrow Jr. would after a decade express remorse for the victims, he would then renounce all of his bigotry he said his mind was full of sickness during the time when he was doing the attack.[195]

2009 shooting of Pittsburgh police officers[edit]

Richard Poplawski,the perpetrator of the shooting

On April 4,2009 at Pittsburgh three police officers were killed by the Richard Andrew Poplawski who was wearing a bulletproof vest and shot the officers with an AK-47.[196]

Poplawski was also into conspiracy theories believing that the government would take his guns away,he was active on Stormfront. He also assaulted his girlfriend four years before the attack. [197] Poplawski was against race-mixing,believed in Zionist conspiracies and had fondness for his AK-47.He visited infowars frequently but thought the website didn't focus on Jews enough.[198]

Other Murders[edit]

Richard Scott Baumhammers was active on the Stormfront singles forum before starting a killing spree which resulted in death of his Jewish neighbour, two Asian men in a Chinese restaurant, an Indian-born grocer and a black karate student.[199] He during the attack severely injured an Indian man named Sandeep Patel, Patel would later die from pneumonia seven years after the attack.[200] Bauhammers would later be sentenced to death for his crimes but the penalty hasn't yet been inforced on him.[201]

See also[edit]

  • /pol/ — This board was created partially because of Stormfront's B.U.G.S program.
  • Billy the Heretic — A notoriously godawful webcomic made by two Stormfront users. The comic's website even linked to Stormfront.
  • Don Black — Stormfront was founded by the ironically named Black, a former KKK and American Nazi Party member.
  • David Duke — The Duke was known to hang out there. His ex-wife actually co-founded the site with Black.[202]
  • Metapedia – A neo-Nazi wiki that acts as Stormfront's Wikipedia.
  • VNNforum — Stormfront's excessive, even nastier counterpart.
  • Iron March — Stormfront taken to 11 without even bothering with the self-delusion and/or flimsy excuses. Went down in 2017, spiritually succeeded by Fascist Forge.
  • The Daily Stormer — Stormfront if it published original content. Stormfront has no connection to this website other than the name. Stormfront cites this website a lot.
  • Operation Red Dog — An actual plot to overthrow the government of Dominica in 1981 that involved Stormfront's founder.

External links[edit]

  • We're not going to directly link you to the website
  • r/Stormfront — Stormfront was a racist organization, but Reddit claimed the name and are making fun of it by using the sub as a weather news service.
  • — An online store for Apple enthusiasts.


  1. This post was made on 12 September 2001, just one day after 9/11.
  2. This is then followed up by a picture with the Confederate flag that really goes to show how similar Makow is the Stormfront crowd.


  1. Stormfront mainpage (archived from Stromfront 26 February 2023)
  4. [1]
  5. Hatewatch Staff. (April 4, 2018). restricts access to donors, shuts down main server The Southern Poverty Law Center. Retrieved April 7, 2018.
  6. German Typefaces in World War II, University of Chicago
  8. Please don't get the vaccine (post by Elizabeth on 03:54, 13 February 2021 (archived from Stormfront 29 July 2021))
  9. Inventor of mRNA Vaccine Tech: Fauci Responsible for 500,000 COVID Deaths by Blocking Ivermectin/HCQ (post by WhiteRights on 17:40 21 July 2023 (archived from Stormfront 1 August 2023))
  10. Default RFK Jr. says COVID may have been ‘ethnically targeted’ to spare Jews (post by Vardon7 on 21:20 17 July 2023 (archived from Stormfront 1 August 2023)
  11. Covid As A Means of Control (post by ColdStar on 13:37 9 September 2022 (archived from Stormfront 1 August 2023))
  12. EU official says vaccine was a big lie & doesn't work (post by Phoenix1933 9:40 23 October (archived from Stormfront 1 August 2023))
  13. DO NOT get the Covid test. It's a TRAP! (post by WhiteUser1 on 21:55 16 March 2021 (archived from Stormfront 2 August 2023))
  14. Big Pharma, Gates, Fauci, UK officials accused of crimes against humanity in complaint to International court (post by Elizabeth 4:33 20 December 2021, (archived from Stormfront 2 August 2023))
  15. Athletes are dying from covid vaccines (post by Alpha5150 on 18:54 11 March 2021 (archived from Stormfront 2 August 2023))
  16. Neil DeGrasse Tyson says biology is insufficient at explaining gender ideology (post by CoConutcake on 21:40 1 August 2023 (archived from Stormfront 2 August 2023))
  17. Japan to accept Ukrainian refugees SoraNews24 -Japan News- (post by Artoria 03:02 3 March 2022 (archived from Stormfront 3 August 2023))
  18. Re: U.S. Harvesting CHILDRENS Organs In Ukraine. Why Western FASCIST Mercenaries Fight For Ukraine (post by Invective44X2 16:37 30 May 2023 (archived from Stormfront 3 August 2023))
  19. (((Who))) Is Funding 'Drag Story Hours' At California Public Libraries? (post by Spoon! 21:59 9 July 2023 (archived from Stromfront 3 August 2023))
  20. Quran is burned and thrown in front of mosque in Germany (post by D33pac 01:04 14 July 2023 (archived from Stormfront 3 August 2023))
  21. Germany: right-wing AfD (ID) has reached 23% in today's INSA poll (post by NationalCrusader14 on 14:56 31 July 2023 (archived from Stormfront 4 August 2023))
  22. Sweden Reports Foreigners Now 35% of Population, and Growing (post by Crosstie walker on 05:05 28 March 2023 (Archived from Stormfront 29 March 2023))
  23. George Soros: I stand with Ukraine (post by AVM on 13:54 27 February 2022 (archived from Stormfront 4 August 2023))
  24. Holocaust survivor Tova Friedman shares on Tiktok to educate young people (post by revision on 01:42 24 March 2023 (archived from Stormfront 4 August 2023))
  25. 40% of White people surveyed say BLM is "dangerous" (post by coconutcake on 23:59 15 June 2023 (archived from Stormfront 4 August 2023))
  26. Nicole Shanahan, Robert F. Kennedy Jr's Running Mate (post by James Harting on 26 March 2024 (archived from Stormfront on 29 April 2024))
  27. Global Elitists Woke agenda. (post by Terence1 22 July 2023 (archived from Stormfront 4 August 2023))
  28. EVIL TO THE CORE: Portland Hospital Denies Woman Cancer Treatment After She Sent a Message Criticizing the Transgender Flag (by Cullen Linebarger 2 August 2023 (archived from The Gateway Pundit 3 August 2023))
  29. America, the Soviet Union, China -- What's the Diff?? (post by Franco 3 August 2023 (archived from Stormfront 5 August 2023))
  30. Who Runs The World? Blackrock and Vanguard (post by Spoon! on 21:16 23 November 2021 (archived from Stormfront 5 August 2023))
  31. Occupying the Universities (post by Franco on 12:55 9 June 2023 (archived from Stormfront 6 August 2023))
  32. The forced vaccine and 5G equals death (post by Bostick 19:53 2 September 2020 (archived from Stormfront 6 August 2023))
  33. Across The Entire Nation, Cops Refuse To Stop Riots - "Daily Stormer" (post by Reynoldsg on 17:27 31 May 2020 (archived from Stormfront 6 August 2023))
  34. Britain's Grooming Gang Crisis (post by TSFH14 on 16:22 19 March 2018 (archived from Stormfront 6 August 2023))
  35. The Depopulation Agenda (post by Coldstar 12:58 14 September 2022 (archived from Stormfront 6 August 2023))
  36. Jews will use AI against whites (post by Phoenix1933 18:52 26 March 2023 (archived from Stormfront 6 August 2023))
  37. If This Is What The Future Of America's Major Cities Is Going To Look Like, We Are In Big Trouble (post by SPOON! 15:04 23 January 2023 (archived from Stormfront 6 August 2023))
  38. If This Is What The Future Of America’s Major Cities Is Going To Look Like, We Are In Big Trouble (post by Michael on 22 January 2023 (archived from the American Dream 6 August 2023))
  39. Petition of the pro-white movement!(post by White Genocide on 5 November 2019(Archived from Stormfront 30 April 2024))
  40. The migrant crisis is only the beginning, sign now. (post by Puddintane 22:17 21 March 2019 (archived from Stormfront 6 August 2023))
  41. The Forgotten Genocide against White Race (post by WisdomSeeker on 14:40 28 Octuber 2018 (archived from Stormfront 6 August 2023))
  42. Public Radio International says we're pathetic (post by white genocide 05:31 2 January 2016 (archived from Stormfront 7 August 2023))
  43. Is “charity” an anti-White genocidal scam? (post by Puddintame 22:32 1 March 2015 (archived from Stormfront 7 August 2023))
  44. Non-Whites in California Want Affirmative Action (post by ericroper on 15:33 1 February 2014 (archived from Stormfront 7 August 2023))
  45. Stormfront admitted to brigading reddit (sorry, "liberal White genocide promoters"), with /r/europe a target.
  46. How Stormfront manipulated reddit users.
  47. Multi-page Stormfront copypasta.
  48. What is Swarmfront? What is BUGS?! (post by Genseric 8:21 30 December 2011 (archived from Stormfront 18 October 2018))
  49. Mantra Questions & Answers (Suggestions too) (post by Genseric on 11:38 23 December 2011 (archived from Stormfront 7 August 2023))
  50. MANTRA SUCCESS! A MUST READ! (post by White Dude on 12:55 24 May 2012(archived from Stormfront 7 August 2023))
  51. Comments on "Bob's Daily Articles" (post by White Genocide on 18:16 15 May 2013 (archived from Stormfront 7 August 2023))
  52. Bob's Daily Articles (post by Genseric on 11:14 8 July 2012 (archived from Stormfront 7 August 2023))
  53. Crazy Ideas for Spreading the Mantra - Swarmfront (post by Glory14 on 13:37 21 February 2013 (archived from Storm front 2 June 2015))
  54. Success Thread (post by JustWokeUp on 17:04 1 March 2014 (archived from Stormfront 8 August 2023))
  55. The next time an anti-White denies there's a White genocide (post by AngryGoy on 11:15 25 September 2012 (archived from Stormfront 8 August 2023))
  56. B.U.G.S main page ( archived 22 July 2020)
  57. Anti-Whites are ripe for conditioning(post by White&Normal on 16 June 2020(archived from Whitakeronline 22 July 2020))
  58. Diversity is a code word for White Genocide – should we hit that extra hard now(By Wurtz Moore on 10 June 2019(archived from WhitakerOnline 9 January 2023))
  59. Twitter White Genocide Account List(by Peter Cottontail on 4 July 2017(archived from Whitakeronline 1 May 2024))
  60. A Timeline of White Genocide(by White&Normal 26 January 2018(archived from WhitakerOnline 1 May 2024))
  61. Combining PEPE with White Genocide phrases(by Benjamin Newells on 11 September 2016(archived from Whitaker online 1 May 2024))
  62. Thank Donald Trump for opposing White Genocide(by Henry Davenport on 22 December 2015(archived from WhitakerOnline 1 May 2024))
  63. I think this story actually appears in the print version of the paper this time.(by Mimmy Jarr on 30 January 2014(archived from Whitakeronline 1 May 2024))
  64. BUGS Buddy 2.0. – Pro-White PC program(by -Gar5- on 6 April 2012(archived from WhitakerOnline 1 May 2024))
  65. Beating Youtube Censorship(by secret Squirrel on 3 June 2012(archived from WhitakerOnline 1 May 2024))
  66. It's OK to be White (post by revision on 12:15 30 July 2023 (archived from Stormfront 8 August 2023))
  67. POSEIDON's video
  68. Effectiveness of forced multi-culturalism (post by Dylan on 16:18 30 March 2023 (archived from Stormfront 8 August 2023))
  69. The Sick Jews Who Believe in the Satanic Talmud (post by Whiteness192 on 6:53 10 October 2020 (archived from Stormfront 8 August 2023))
  70. WHY I AM A WHITE SUPREMACIST (post by EmperorAryan on 09:05 4 February 2020(archived from Stormfront 24 January 2022))
  71. America First (post by kbfreakc on 07:51 24 April 2023, (archived from Stormfront 9 August 2023))
  72. Interracial couples are naturally disgusting. (post by Polcsec10 on 05:39 29 May 2023 (archived from Stormfront 9 August 2023))
  73. The liberal system is the most immoral and evil (post by WRacialLoyalist on 23:53 5 September 2022 (archived from Stormfront 8 August 2023))
  74. (archived from Jew Watch 17 January 2023))
  75. The murder of tens of millions of Aryans by jewish Bolsheviks - the REAL Holocaust ! (post by Coldfire on 14:5 12 October 2017 (archived from Stormfront 2 August 2020))
  76. Holocaust or Hollow Hoax? 10 Reasons the "Holocaust" Never Happened (post by Russell James on 11:39 18 February 2019 (archived from Stormfront 9 August 2023))
  77. Holocaust or Hollow Hoax? 10 Reasons the 'Holocaust' Never Happened (blog by Russel James on 5:00 18 February 2019, last updated 12:34 22 November 2021 (archived from Stormfront 9 August 2023))
  78. The Roman EMPIRE was anti-White (post by IspaniolCapirot on 20:27 1 December 2022 (archived from Stormfront on 10 August 2023))
  79. Britain Intended War before Hitler Invaded Poland (post by revision 03:07 3 April 2022 (archived from Stormfront 10 August 2023))
  80. French Revolution (archived from Metapedia 21 December 2020))
  81. What was the Jewish role in the French Revolution? (post by Joshua98 on 09:29 15 August 2022 (archived from Stormfront 10 August 2023))
  82. Were Jews responsible for the "Black Plague" of the Middle Ages? (post by WRacialLoyalist on 03:05 18 May 2022 (archived from Stormfront 10 August 2023))
  83. Israel and Zionists did 9/11 Thread (post by NicholasXLIX on 00:40 17 April 2020 (archived from Stormfront 10 August 2023))
  84. George W. Bush and 9-11 (post by anyhoo on 15:48 29 March 20 (archived from Stormfront 10 August 2023))
  85. Israel did 9/11 - ALL THE PROOF IN THE WORLD (post by MonkeySeeMonkeyDo on 03:09 6 May 2009 (archived from The Info Underground on 11 August 2023))
  86. 911 "Truthers" Useless, afraid to name the JEW! (post by Whitewakeupcall on 14:59 8 March 2014 (archived from Stormfront 11 August 2023))
  87. Did NASA delete evidence of UFOs from its photo archive?(post by revision on 08:53 21 January 2013 (archived from Stormfront 11 August 2023))
  88. Was It An Inside Job?!? (post by Spoon on 12:55 12 September 2001 (archived from Stormfront 11 August 2023))
  89. Humans 'will be implanted with microchips' (post by Jman2129 18:11 30 January 2009 (archived from Stormfront 11 August 2023))
  90. The (((REAL))) Inconvenient Truth Exposed! Video Here! (post by REL on 11:43 24 December 2007 (archived from Stormfront 11 August 2023))
  91. Conspiracy: Swine flu "suddenly" erupts. Why? FEMA is mobilizing! This is scary stuff. Read on! (post by RichyRichard on 15:19 26 April 2009 (archived from Stormfront 11 August 2023))
  92. Science vs Intelligent Design(by S Sinistrari April 30 2024(archived from Stormfront on 2 May 2024))
  93. Do gay men have higher estrogen than straight men??(by Mr.Barbarian on 17 April 2024(archived from Stormfront 1 May 2024))
  94. Climate Change Experts Stumped By Simple Question(by S Sinistrari 18 January 2024(archived from Stormfront 1 May 2024))
  95. The Problem with Faggotry(by Russell James on 17 January 2022( archived from Stormfront on 10 December 2023))
  96. Black Africans have 19% nonhuman DNA(by Nick Smith on 7 February 2021(archived from Stormfront 2 May 2024))
  97. Blackness Fatigue: Enough Is Too Much(by Fred Reed June 24 2021(archived from Unz May 2 2024))
  98. Why Think About Rome? One Reason: The Fall Of Rome Coincided With A Fall In IQ—Like The Modern West(by Revision 10 February 2023(archived from Stormfront 3 May 2024))
  99. How to respond to "We all come from Africa"(by IspaniolChariot on 12 February 2022(archived from Stormfront 3 May 2024))
  100. Autism: Childhood vaccines cause the disability.(by Polemics on 3 February 2023(archived from Stormfront 3 May 2024))
  101. Not Dead Dinosaurs After All: Oil Is Not a Fossil Fuel & Is Produced Naturally Within Earth's Mantle(by Renyoldsg on 29 July 2022(archived on May 3 2024))
  102. "Civilisation began in Ireland" ( post by GordonSMITH on 21 March 2023, 01:40 PM ( archived from Stormfront 12 August 2023))
  103. World civilisation began in Ireland ( post by GordonSMITH on 21 March 2023, 01:53 PM ( archived from Storm front 12 August 2023))
  104. The cabal are going to use the anti-British agenda to force through trans rights ( post by MateMatnik on 17 January 2023, 10:05 AM ( archived from StormFront 12 August 2023))
  105. Boris Johnson vows to back amnesty for illegal migrants ( post by Blewit on 1 November 2019, 12:19 PM ( archived from Stormfront 12 August 2023))
  106. Why are a lot of middle class English people so anti-English? ( post bY MateMatnik on 23 Decmeber 2018, 01:19 PM ( archived from Stormfront 12 August 2023))
  107. Ban the burka( post by CannockAnglo on 22 November 2015, 07:20 AM ( archived from Stormfront 12 August 2023))
  108. Why Britain should be proud of its rule in India ( post by Luckyperson on 24 October 2014, 07:15 PM ( archived from Stormfront 13 August 2023))
  109. Top Feminist calls for all men to be put in Concentration Camps ( post by Patriot93 on 14 September 2015, 04:41 PM ( archived from Stormfront 13 August 2023))
  110. We are the World's laughing stock. ( post by Dudarenko on 8 August 2023, 02:23 PM ( archived from Stormfront 13 August 2023))
  111. More than 1000 illegal migrants cross channel in 48 hours ( post by Whitehouse90310 on 9 July 2023, 09:43 AM ( archived from Stormfront 13 August 2023))
  112. Tory government tiptoes away from Net Zero (Khmer Rouge Year Zero) lunacy ( post by Whitehouse90310 on 23 July 2023, 08:36 AM ( archived from Stormfront 13 August 2023))
  113. The africanisation of British advertising( post by Revision on 18 July 2023, 12:25 AM ( archived from Stormfront 13 August 2023))
  114. National Action is wrongly classified as a Terrorist Group Stormfront by Ascension on 29 April 2017 (archived on 10 May 2024)
  115. Is Reform UK Controlled Opposition? Stormfront by Parachutiste on 3 March 2024(archived on 10 May 2024)
  116. Is the real agenda behind Brexit to see the UK dismantled? Stormfront by Matematik on 7 November 2018(archived on May 10 2024)
  117. UKip? Nope - Jewkip! Stormfront by AngleZarkle on 10 March 2017(archived on 10 May 2024)
  118. Putin vows to protect Christians worldwide Stormfront by The Indian on 5 October 2015(archived on 10 May 2024)
  119. Would You Welcome Foreign Whites? ( post by GlascowWASP on 4 December 2006, 07:42 PM ( archived from Stormfront 13 August 2023))
  120. ZOG project "Novorossiya" ( post by Ardagast on 12 May -2018, 12:46 AM ( archived from stormfront 13 August 2023))
  121. Congressman Jamie Raskin: Russia is an Orthodox country That is why it must be destroyed(by revision on 31 October 2022(archived on 4 May 2024))
  122. Russian Jews Receive Holocaust Payments(by Groton on 1 February 2022(archived on 4 May 2024))
  123. Rulers Of Russia Still? At Putin's Side An Army Of Jewish Billionaires Today(by Renyoldsg on 8 May 2019(archived on 4 May 2024))
  124. Stormfront blocked in Russia(by Andreus on 9 July 2016(archived from Storm front 14 August 2023))
  125. Russia to focus on fight against racism, xenophobia in UN Human Rights Council(by poison on 6 December 2013(archived from Stormfront on 4 May 2024))
  126. Stormfront Downunder(archived from Stormfront 4 May 2024)
  127. My Opinion of Aboriginals(by Ly on 27 June 2023(archived on 4 May 2024 from Stormfront))
  128. Aussie PM Billy Hughes - Jews own Australia - 1919(by John830 3 September 2018(archived from Stormfront 4 May 2024))
  129. Jews in Australia(by WakeUpRiseUp on 7 March 2014(archived from Stormfront on 4 May 2024))
  130. Shocked at the Multiculturalism in Sydney(by Skogsbjorn on 4 August 2014(archived from Stormfront 5 May 2024))
  131. The Demolition of Canada Under the Liberals( by ColdStar 20 July 2022(archived from Stormfront 6 May 2024))
  132. What they found in the Covid vaccines(by WanJessi on 30 January 2024(archived from Stormfront 7 May 2024))
  133. Health Canada Confirms Presence of Plasmid DNA in mRNA Vaccines, Including the SV40 Sequence Druthers By Dr. Mark Trozzi 1 December 2023( archived on 7 May 2024)
  134. Medias muslim bias(by Cunningham on 9 February 21st 2019(archived from Stormfront 7 May 2024))
  135. Why I Reject Indigenous Land Acknowledgments(by Enrichard on 19 October 2018(archived from Stormfront 7 May 2024))
  136. Black guy kissed white woman in front of me(by RIP Canada 1867 to 1965 on 8 October 2016(archived from Stormfront 7 May 2024))
  137. Has anyone noticed a rise in race mixing?(by Basedleaf on 6 September 2021(archived from Stormfront 7 May 2024))
  138. Sikh Indians are ruining Canada what the hell is Trudeau doing(by D33pac on 7 November 2022(archived from Stormfront on 7 May 2024))
  139. Canada On Track To Becoming Third World Nation(by Reynoldsg on 10 November 2018(archived from Stormfront 7 November 2024))
  140. Race traitors and nonwhites(by Where's Whitey on 18 September 2016(archived from Stormfront 7 May 2024))
  141. Swedish Church Creates LGBTQ Bible For Kids, Says "Jesus Was Queer"(by Reynoldsg on 11 April 2019(archived on 8 May 2024 from Stormfront))
  142. Is Finland About to Make Christianity Illegal? Christian Lawmaker Facing Fines and Prison(by Revision on 25 February 2020(archived from Stormfront 8 May 2024))
  143. Keep the nordic race and scandinavian people and blonde woman in these countrys safe from mixing with immigration(by Aryan ideal3 on 26 February 2020(archived from Stormfront on May 8 2024))
  144. Sweden Democrats - anti-racism and populism.Stormfront by ZeroZeroAlfa on 23 April 2015(archived on 10 May 2024)
  145. 23% of Swedish Women Will be Raped by Nonwhite Immigrants Stormfront by Francuskinja on 19 February 2014(archived on May 10 2024)
  146. French Teacher Suspended for Holocaust Denial Activities JTA archive on January 13 1993
  147. HOLOCAUST DEPROGRAMMING COURSE(archived from Radio Islam August 30 2022)
  148. Raspail’s Dystopian “The Camp Of The Saints” Novel Warning Of Immigration Influx Has Been Realized 50 Years Later Stormfront by Revision on 10 March 2024 (archived on 13 May 2024)
  149. This should be illegal Stormfront by Revision on 8 March 2024 ( archived on 13 May 2024)
  150. Re: The Rape Of Britain Stormfront by Revision on 29 February 2024 (archived on 15 May 2024)
  151. MASS INCURSIONS took place EVERY SINGLE DAY of this past week...the INVASION is OUT OF CONTROL Stormfront by Revision on 11 December 2023 (archived on 15 May 2024)
  152. Transport GOES WOKE... (INSANE) Stormfront by Revision on 28 January 2024 (archived on 15 May 2024)
  153. Vatican mints euros in honor of (((Pfizer))) vaccination Stormfront by Revision on 24 June 2022 (archived on 17 May 2024)
  154. Hitler hated Judaism. But he loathed Christianity, too. Wapo By Michael S. Rosenwald on 20 April 2019 (archived on 22 February 2024)
  155. Jewish children savagely beaten by man in New York City attack Stormfront by JohnUble on 16 May 2024 ( archived on 17 May 2024)
  156. US Military Confirms Myocarditis Spike After COVID Vaccine Introduction Stormfront by SPOON! on 23 July 2023 (archived on 17 May 2024)
  157. The Profitable Destruction Of Americans' Health Stormfront by SPOON! on 24 October 2023 (archived on 17 May 2024)
  158. When The Government Plays God: The Slippery Slope From Abortions To Executions Stormfront by SPOON! On 5 May 2022 (archived on 17 May 2024)
  159. The Entire HOLOHOAX Narrative Is Nothing But A Lie Stormfront by SPOON! on 25 November 2023 (archived on 17 May 2024)
  160. 15 Examples of Globalist Doublespeak Stormfront by SPOON! on 23 March 2019 (archived on 17 May 2024)
  161. 15 Examples of Globalist Doublethink Henry Makow on March 23 2019 (archived on 6 December 2022)
  162. WhiteNationalistBlog archived on 18 May 2024
  163. ProWhiteParty(archived from WhiteNationalistBlog 18 May 2024)
  164. 2K MULES DOC Bitchute by IviewTube on 2 June 2022 (archived on 6 June 2022)
  165. Negro finally indicted for murder of pretty college student in Tennessee Stormfront by WhiteRights on 19 March 2023 (archived on 18 May 2024)
  166. Ten times that Joe Biden has acted like a dictator Stormfront by WhiteRights on 17 February 2024 (archived on 18 May 2024)
  167. Best-Selling right-wing author predicts in his new book Trump will win 2020 election in a landslide Stormfront by WhiteRights on 21 June 2020 (archived on 18 May 2024)
  168. John Stossell interviews Dr. Charles Murray (author of the Bell Curve) Stormfront by WhiteRights on 28 February 2024 (archived on 18 May 2024)
  169. Jews are dangerous Stormfront by Coldstar on 27 March 2016 (archived on 17 May 2021)
  170. Jordan Peterson Is He Jewish Controlled Opposition? Stormfront by Coldstar on 28 April 2022 (archived on 24 May 2024)
  171. The Big Lie About CO2 Stormfront by Coldstar on 7 November 2022 (archived on 24 May 2024)
  172. Angela Merkel's Jewish Roots Confirmed Stormfront by Coldstar on 15 October 2015 ( archived on 16 May 2016)
  173. 25 NIGHTMARE Things that Will Happen Under Joe Biden Stormfront by Coldstar on 21 January 2021 (archived on 25 May 2024)
  174. 25 NIGHTMARE things that will happen if Joe Biden wins the election Liberalmob by Mike Adams on 11 October 2020 (archived on 25 May 2024)
  175. main page (archived on January 15 2018)
  176. MartinLutherKing.Org is Owned by Neo-Nazis The Daily Beast on January 13 2018 by Ben Collins and Max Toomey
  177. Martin Luther King quiz (archived on January 16 2018)
  178. Rap lyrics ( archived on 16 January 2018)
  179. The Beast As Saint: The Truth About Martin Luther King Jr. (With CC)(by EastWildRain January 17 2011(archived from YouTube 6 April 2018))
  180. Martin Luther King Flyer (archived from MartinLutherKing 26 October 2017)
  181. Recommended Books dealing with the life and works of Martin Luther King Jr.( archived on 20 December 2017
  182. My Awakening: Chapter 18 Jews, Communism and Civil Rights(archived from MartinLutherKing.Org 17 January 2018)
  183. More Americans who consider themselves white are discovering they are part African through DNA tests by Tara Bahrampour (February 6, 2018 at 7:37 PM) The Washington Post.
  184. When Genetics Challenges a Racist’s Identity: Genetic Ancestry Testing among White Nationalists by Aaron Panofsky & Joan Donovan (August 17, 2017) SocArXiv.
  185. White Homicide Worldwide
  186. SPLC Report: Nearly 100 Murdered by Stormfront Users
  187. "Report: Users of White Power Website Have Committed Nearly 100 Murders"
  188. Norway police say 85 killed in island youth camp attack BBC on 23 July 2011
  189. Anders Behring Breivik: Norway court finds him sane BBC on 24 August 2012
  190. Norway mass killer Anders Behring Breivik defends massacre: "I would have done it again" CBS on April 17, 2012
  191. Anders Breivik: Mass murderer sues Norway over prison isolation BBC By James Gregory on 8 January 2024
  192. L.A. Shooting Suspect Faces State, U.S. Charges Washington Post by Rene Sanchez on August 13, 1999
  193. L.A. shooting suspect charged with hate crimes CNN on August 12, 1999 (archived on 31 May 2024)
  194. Boy who almost died in L.A. shooting goes home CNN on September 23, 1999 (archived on 19 Jan 2013)
  195. JCC shooter Furrow renounces past beliefs Los Angeles Times on September 6, 2009 By KEVIN MODESTI ( archived on 31 May 2024)
  196. Gunman opens fire, 3 Pittsburgh police officers killed The Spokesman Review on April 4, 2009
  197. Suspect in officers' shooting was into conspiracy theories Post gazette on April 5,2009 By Dennis B. Roddy, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (archived on April 6 2009)
  198. Man Accused in Pittsburgh Killings Voiced Racist Views Online New York Times By SEAN D. Hamill April 7, 2009 (archived on 1 June 2024)
  199. Pittsburgh gunman 'had racial motives' BBC on Monday, 1 May, 2000 (archived on 12 July 2012)
  200. Baumhammers' shooting-spree victim at peace Pittsburgh Tribune Review By Brian C. Rittmeyer on Monday, February 5, 2007 (archived on 17 October 2007)
  201. Baumhammers sentenced to death Pocono record by Staff writer on 12 May 2001
  202. According to WikipediaWikipedia. Darn commies.